Author: Iron Core

By Laurie McGinley Staff Reporter of The Wall Street Journal Updated July 9, 2001 12:01 a.m. ET WASHINGTON -- When the leaders of the Coalition for the Advancement of Medical Research began their weekly conference call on June 7, they got bad news. For months, the alliance, made...

In 2000, there was growing excitement in the scientific community over the potential of stem cell research to unlock the doors to treatments and cures for multiple chronic diseases....

When former First Lady Michelle Obama announced her intention to focus on reducing childhood obesity, a group of national foundations came together to create a new nonprofit, Partnership for a Healthier America to help Mrs. Obama.  PHA’s mission was to work with the private sector...

Convergency founder Larry Soler played a central role in quarterbacking several successful JDRF campaigns to secure renewal of the federal Special Diabetes Program (SDP) which directs $150 million a year to T1D research. Melding strategic media elements such as op eds in key national and...

Convergency works with NGO and trade association CEOs, senior management teams and boards to evaluate the status and effectiveness of organizations. We also provide ongoing support to CEOs.   [vc_row css_animation="" row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" angled_section="no" text_align="left" background_image_as_pattern="without_pattern" background_color="#2ab34b" el_class="force-full-width__parent"][vc_column][action full_width="yes" content_in_grid="yes" type="simple" text_font_weight="" show_button="yes" button_size="large" button_target="_self" button_text="Contact...

When the type 1 diabetes community saw the potential for a game-changing medical device that automated the delivery of insulin based on the real-time need of the patient, Larry Soler led a JDRF team that developed a strategy involving scientific research, venture philanthropy, overcoming regulatory...